Tax invoice receipt thailand
The first choice is e-service. E-service provide to citizen or organization to access the service by himself individually . It is a service to the user one by one. This choice of service such as e filing, e registration, e-forms etc.
The second choice is web service. Web service is a service using technology of web service provide to citizen or organization. The choice of Web service is a communication between application program of citizen or organization (service requester ) and the Revenue Department (service provider) .
The following are list of e-services that are available on our web site:
- e-filing
Although this web page is Thai language but in the right hand is the list of tax return which can do e filing.
During the period of filing tax return of Personal Income Tax, there are Tax calucation application on this web page.
- Filing of tax return by ways of computer media ( almost withholding tax return)
- Tax Agent Application
- e-Payment
The Revenue Department expanded its payment systems online via internet system via > 20 locations for the purpose of providing convenience to taxpayers. These expanded systems include ATM, Internet Banking, Telephone Banking, Mobile Banking, Counter Bank e-Payment and Tax Smart Card.
- e-Registration
There are two service of e-registration, one is for Value added Tax (VAT) another is Special Business Tax (SBT).
- e-Tax Invoice
On January 2012 the Revenue department issued the regulation on The preparation, delivery, and storage of e-Tax Invoices and receipts. B.E. 2555 and implement e-Tax Invoice as a new e-service to public.
Web Services
The Revenue Departments web services have been implemented since 2005 with 8 services until now RD launched 11 services.
From 11 services The most frequent use are CheckTINPINService and VATService .
All of RD services is available in RD website but almost in Thai language and located in RD website Thai version except . e-form and e-filing for Individual taxpayer (Personal Income Tax year 2012).