Report compliance, privacy, or fraud, waste and abuse concerns

Report privacy concerns or potential protected health information (PHI) disclosures:

Fraud, waste and abuse

If you suspect fraud, waste or abuse (FWA) by a covered person, prescribing provider, participating pharmacy or anyone else, notify Prime at 800.731.3269 or

Anonymous reporting

Report a compliance concern or suspected fraud, waste or abuse anonymously, by contacting Prime’s 24-hour anonymous compliance hotline:


Report suspected compliance concerns:


Report privacy concerns or potential protected health information (PHI) disclosures:

Fraud, waste and abuse

If you suspect fraud, waste or abuse (FWA) by a covered person, prescribing provider, participating pharmacy or anyone else, notify Prime at 800.731.3269 or

Anonymous reporting

Report a compliance concern or suspected fraud, waste or abuse anonymously, by contacting Prime’s 24-hour anonymous compliance hotline:

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