Monster Hunter World: Light Bowgun

mhw light bowgun guide

Light Bowguns are for Hunters that like to concentrate their attacks on crucial spots from a distance while using Rapid-Fire Elemental or Standard Ammo to deal high damage that can break off parts, causing monsters to take extra damage from attacks.

Light Bowguns are a great choice of weapons for those who prefer mobility and maneuverability along with dealing consecutive damage.

This guide is a breakdown of the highest tier of Light Bowguns and their respective material tree with a detailed list of ammo along with their uses and functions.

Also Read Below The Other Light Bowgun Guides

Light Bowgun Trees


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Defender Light Bowgun V


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Chain Blitz III

Weapon Name: High Chain Blitz III

Weapon Name: Cross Blitz II


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Cataclysm’s Trigger


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Lumu Blitz II

Weapon Name: Lumu Typhon III


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Bazel Typhoon II

Great Jagras

Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Jagras Blitz III

Weapon Name: Jagras Fire III


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Flame Blitz II

Weapon Name: Rathbuster II

Thunder Element

Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Thunder Blitz II

Weapon Name: Lightning Blitz III

Ice Element

Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Snow Blitz II

Weapon Name: Frost Blitz II


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Hunter Rifler III

Weapon Name: Power Rifle III

Weapon Name: Sniper Shot II

Vaal Hazak

Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Gulgoleth’s Wail


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Blazing Rifle II

Weapon Name: Anja Buster III

Water Element

Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Madness Rifle III

Weapon Name: Jyura Bullet III


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Lava Bullet II


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Carapace Rifle III

Weapon Name: Barroth Shot III


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Garon Rifle II

Weapon Name: Karma


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Dragonbone Bowgun III

Workshop Weapon

Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Dai-Onigashima II

Weapon Name: Great Bowgun


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Mythical Three-Horn

Black Steel

Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Blacksteel Crossbow II

Weapon Name: Daora’s Hornet


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Xeno Neqiina


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Devil’s Madness


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Empress Shell “Blaze”


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Empress Shell “Ruin”


Light Bowgun Special Ammo: Wyvernblast

Weapon Name: Empress Shell “Styx”

Standard Ammo

Standard ammunition is limited to a certain cap but can be crafted in the field as long as you have the required materials.

Normal Ammo

Mid-Close range single shot ammunition.

Spread Ammo

Short range pellet burst attack much like a shotgun blast.

Piercing Ammo

Long range projectile that penetrates monsters dealing multiple instances of damage as it passes through.

Sticky Ammo

Projectile damage is unaffected by range and a delay before the lodged projectile explodes and possibly stun.

Slicing Ammo

A slow projectile with delayed multiple slashing damage instances that can sever tails.

Elemental Ammo

A medium range elemental projectile with a slight piercing effect against susceptible monsters to the particular element.

Status Effect Ammunition

Each shot that hits monsters builds a stacking debuff before it actually takes effect so some statuses may need more shots than the others.

Support Ammo

These projectiles only affect allies and just go through monsters to prevent unwanted help for the monsters.

Special Ammo

The Light Bowgun has 1 type of Special Ammo that is the Wyvernblast that takes a different approach than the Lightbowgun’s larger counterpart’s more offensive Special Ammo.


Wyvernblast is a type of ammunition that recharges over time that allows the Light Bowgun to set up an exploding flare bomb on the ground, Wyvernblast can be triggered with any attack may it be coming from you or other hunters and Monsters Damaging moves.

You can set 3 charges on the ground in any way you would like and the damage is directly affected by only Weapon Damage , Damage increasing Skills and the skill Special-Ammo-Boost and is not affected by affinity or skills that affect blast damage.

The Wyvernblast can be triggered a couple of times depending on the damage that was going to be dealt with the attack that hits the ploom of the Wyvernblast.

Light Bowgun Mods

Recoil: Reduces knockback allowing to fire a follow through shot increasing overall increasing fire rate.

Reload: Reduces reload time of ammunition reducing vulnerability times while reloading and for some ammunition to be loaded even while walking.

Deviation: Reduces bullet drift for long range ammunition increasing long range accuracy

Close Range: Improves damage short range critical distance ammo types.

Long Range: Improves damage of long range critical distance ammo types.

Pros and Cons




Light Bowguns allow hunters to strafe and attack consecutively with precise shots towards weak spots of monsters, making slaying or capturing monsters quite easy due to the advantage of distance.

Although there is a limit when it comes to ammo types, it has the advantage of using Rapid-Fire for some of its ammo which consumes 1 ammo per shot but fires 3 projectiles, increasing damage output and chance of status effects.

With its fast sheathing animation, the Light Bowgun allows its user to quickly react to attacks or even assist allies quickly with a quick shot of its available support ammunition while keeping pace or away from rampaging monsters.

Overall, the Light Bowgun is very easy to learn and master with its simple mechanics which is literally to point and shoot, making it a great choice for those who wish to deal successive damage from a safe distance.